Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Records management futurewatch

Steve Bailey
Record & Information Manager
Senior Advisor, JISC InfoNet

Steve currently acts as senior advisor on records management issues for JISC infoNet (Joint Information Systems Committee), an advisory service for managers within the Higher Education and Further Education sectors. He is responsible for preparing and disseminating a range of guidance material and tools to help support the development of records management within the sector and is a well known speaker and writer on records management issues, including the thought-provoking book, “Managing the crowd: Rethinking records management for the web 2.0 world.” Prior to moving to JISC infoNet in February 2007 Steve spent five years leading JISC’s own internal records & information management activities and its successful program of innovative records management and information governance development projects. Since obtaining his Masters with Distinction in Archives and Records Management from University College London (UCL) in 1997, Steve has worked as Assistant Records Manager for the global pharmaceutical company Pfizer and Team Leader (Archives and Records Management) for the University of Gloucestershire.

Steve’s RMfuturewatch blog is available from http://rmfuturewatch.blogspot.com/
And he can be followed on twitter at @sjbailey

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